The Godmother, Part II
After having been Chiquita's godmother at her confirmation 10 years ago, her little sister (13 1/2, see photo), let's call her Chiquitita, asked me to be hers, too. I felt quite honoured.
Drawing from the vast experience gained from my previous godmother ....uhm... performance a decade ago, I managed to be my most dignified self once again.
Unfortunately, the weather was infinitely worse than last time. It was pissing down and gale-force winds almost ruffled the gelled-to-concrete-perfection hairstyles of the boys. The female confirmands bravely survived in optimistic summer dresses and and flimsy cardies and practised their sultry expressions during the lenghty ceremony. Most of them, my cousin included, had made up their eyes with dark black eyeliner and lots of mascara. It was "smoky eyes" galore, offset to perfection against the sometimes deadly pallor of their youthful complexions. Some girls had obviously been to the hairdresser for a bride-like complicated updo and quite a few of them had French-manicured their fingernails. I looked at them like a benevolent old auntie, vividly remembering my own teenage torment and the conviction that nobody, least of all my parents, understood me.
Well, actually, I was convinced that the actor or singer I happened to have a crush on at the time would understand me and in fact we were so meant for each other, but alas, because of a cruel twist of fate were never to meet.
I was secretely pleased when two people mistook me for the elder sister. Hah! Hold the botox, doctor!
Lunch-break purchases: I went to Meinl am Graben for tonight's post-swim-binge with the Mermaid and discovered that they have new flavours of Kettle chips. Hurrah! Although I won't likely become unfaithful to salt & vinegar, I bought tomato & basil this time. I also got a Malaysian mango & coconut pudding. The Mermaid and I, we lurve mango.