Wednesday, May 24, 2006

my favourite shade of green

Do you want to know why my staple lunch is tasting particularly good these days? It's because I don't have to buy the sad excuse for rucola that they sell at supermarket but was able to stock up on the real thing, wonderfully fragrant rucola fresh from Dad's "planatation" in KLU, last Sunday:
yum, yum! Home-grown rucola (onemorehandbag) Bliss! I took enough to fuel my addiction for a week.


Tomorrow is a holiday here (Ascension Day) so see you on Friday.

Lunch-break purchases: Only groceries which I thought I'd better get as early as possible before the pre-holiday-stockpiling-frenzy sets in. With supermarkets being closed on Sundays and holidays, it is NOT advisable to go last-minute food-shopping in Austria on a Saturday or the day before a holiday unless you want to face empty shelves or panicky customers. Trust me.


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