On Parcels Good and Bad...
Yesterday morning, the usual sight awaited me when I got back to the office after a business trip: PARCELS! Among them, a delivery of NYX products which I am excited to try out as Youtubers are always raving about them.
I also got my Hunter boots from BuyVIP that I was really excited for. I opened the parcel and first of all noticed that the lining was torn at both heels. Hmmm. Not exactly what you would expect from this expensive brand, outlet or not...
I had just convinced myself that I could live with that when I thought I couldn't believe my eyes: one huge tear each on the upper mateiral of every boot:
WTF? Afer several e-mails to their help centre I realised I had to bite the bullet and trek to the post office to return the damaged goods. When I opened the box to repack the boots I saw a letter taped to the inside of the box. Belive it or not: somebody else had already returned those exact ruined boots (the letter was dated Jan. 10) and the competent guys in storage had obviously not opened the returned box, but forwarded them to me. Great:
This had definitely put me off ordering from BuyVIP, even though I have to say their help centre people were really competent and quick in replying.
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