Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Just Another Day at the Office

Well, outside the office, technically, but it being a work day in my colleague's company, it was a bit out of the ordinary. As a teambuilding activity, my Slovenian team-mate who was in charge of organisation chose a biathlon! It was a great idea and we had a brilliant time at Pokljuka. The last time I cross-country skied was about 25 years ago as I found it so boring as a kid I told my parents not to bother getting me another set of skis when I had grown out of my first. 

Today I am feeling muscles I didn't even know I possessed, which can either be attributed to old age or lack of training, but I would do it again tomorrow if I had the chance. I had never attempted shooting before and was not that bad at it, either as long as somebody covered my left eye as I had problems focusing properly. Never mind the less than scary smurf hat (thanks, Mum), but I look as if I mean business there, right?


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