Friday, July 21, 2006

something to look forward to

As soon as I had scrolled through my Skyeurope-newsletter this morning, I forwarded it to Coco and the Mermaid. Half an hour later, I'd booked flights for a girlie weekend in Amsterdam. I hope the date, Friday, the 13th (of October) does not bode ill, but we're not superstitious. I'm really looking forward to a re-enactment of our lovely mini-break in Rome earlier this year as long as I manage to leave potential killer-colds at home this time. I'd rather devote myself to serious shopping (not for drugs, legal or otherwise, I hasten to add, in spite of our chosen destination!) without a runny nose and viscious cough. Counting the days!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Here, we're postively roasting, but I'm not complaining.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Do you think I could actually have the recipy of the lovely salad you produced on Sat? Seemed like something an overworked, not-so-young mother of three could master. T. could also do with anti-trauma therapy in that respect so I'd very much appreciate FCN's recipy - or indeed your rendering thereof. Am still deeply impressed by Seth's Suitable Boy and tend to read it in the midst of crawling infants and the chaos produced by them. Will take it to the playground with me today - despite tha fact that my fellow mums (plus the occasional dad) will consider this terribly pretentious... Have a nice afternoon in your cool office and think of others not as air-conditioned as you are... As ever, Amica

7/24/2006 03:36:00 PM  
Blogger onemorehandbag said...

Hi Daaaahling. Here's the recipe. I left out the spring onions and garlic and substituted the chili with chili powder. I also didn't use quite as much (baby) spinach. Enjoy!

Farfalle Salat mit Sonnnengetrockneten Tomaten und Spinat

Vorbereitungszeit: 20 Minuten
Kochzeit: 12 Minuten
Für: 4-6 Personen

500g Farfalle oder Spiralnudeln
3 Frühlingszwiebeln
60g getrocknete Tomaten, in Streifen geschnitten
500g frischer Spinat, geputzt in feine Streifen geschnitten
4 EL Pinienkerne, geröstet
1 EL frischer Oregano, gehackt

3 EL Olivenöl
1 TL frische Chilischoten, gehackt
1 Knoblauchzehe, zerdrückt
Salz und Pfeffer

1) Die Nudeln in einem großen Topf mit sprudelndem Salzwasser bissfest
kochen. Dann abgießen und unter kaltem Wasser abspülen. In eine große
Salatschüssel geben.

2) Frühlingszwiebeln putzen und fein hacken. Mit Tomaten, Spinat,
Pinienkernen und Oregano zu den Nudeln geben.

3) Für die Sauce: Alle Zutaten mit dem Schneebesen verrühren und über den
Salat gießen. Gut mischen und sofort servieren.

7/24/2006 03:43:00 PM  

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