Monday, September 02, 2024



They say that mothers immediately forget the pain related to childbirth once they hold their newborn baby in their arms. Maybe this is the case with all painful/disturbing/uncomfortable experiences? On my recent e-mail-folder-purge I came across newsletters by retailers promoting their clever ways to provide a comfortable and seamless online shopping experience during lockdown and also many e-mails reminding me (as a ticket holder for an event for example) what "G-rules" were in place at the venue. In Austria, the Gs stood for "genesen" (recovered from the virus, i.e. you got naturally infected) "geimpft" (vaccinated) and "getested" (able to show a recent antigen or PCR test, depending on which was required). 2G meant it sufficed to be recovered or vaccinated, 3G meant that on top you also had to have a valid negative test result.
I actually had to google what the difference between "G and 3G was again (wasn't sure if the test or the vaccination were the critical third element) and also couldn't remember for a hot minute what those more accurate tests that I took dozens of were called again. How can this be when it dominated my life a little over two years ago?!? Last week was Highflyer's and my second wedding anniversary and we were still a little anxious that our wedding with around 100 attendees would cause a Covid cluster. Luckily quite a few people had Coronavirus shortly before and we don't know of a single infection in the aftermath, phew.
I decided to keep a handful of those e-mails as a reminder of those crazy times anyway.


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