That's What Granny Said
I turned 50 on Saturday and I felt like my grandmother(s). Not because of my actual age and how it made me feel, but because my reply to people asking me what I wanted/wished for echoed exactly what they used to say: "Nothing, really. I have everything I need." When I was a child and heard this reply by my grandmothers or great-aunts I would roll my eyes heavenwards, thinking "who in their right mind doesn't have any wishes for their birthday?!?!" I, after all, had a gazillion of ideas and found this the most bizarre, unrelatable and boring answer ever. It's true though, I have now officially reached an age or a stage where I can afford everything I want myself with my own money and have accumulated an incredible amount of stuff, most of which I realise I don't "need". Now that I don't even have that one wish that none of my friends or family could make come true anyway (=finding "the One") I really feel I have everything I could possibly ask for and other than "health", "peace" and, if we're really crazy and greedy "and end to this pandemic (and please no other one to replace it any time soon)" nothing comes to mind right now. So, yes, I guess I'm officially old now. Insert shrugging emoji.
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