You're Not Celebrating Togehter?
I hope you all had a nice and peaceful Christmas without any Covid-related unpleasantries such as t(he threat of )having to self-isolate. Mine was nice and quiet and just like in previous years, I spent it (only) with my parents. Now that I've had an "official" boyfriend again for more than 2 years and in fact he has actually been more than that for 1.5 years already, people automatically assume that we'll be celebrating Christmas together. I'm not sure if this is likely to happen soon and to be honest, I don't mind in the least. We stick together like superglue most of the time and I have absolutely no problem being apart for a few days, even on Christmas. I'm an only child and as long as my parents will be alive, it is a no-brainer for me to spend the holidays with them. Highflyer has 3 children, 2 of whom live abroad and unlike me, has 8 (!) siblings, some of whom he is also used to spend Christmas with. I don't want to deprive him of his idea of the perfect Christmas and neither does he, so this works just fine without anyone of us feeling this is a compromise. I was single for many years and had got used to this any way and before that, my partner of 11 years not being Christian, it was not your standard constellation, either. Also, being together with a pilot whose duty plans don't obey a Mon-Fri 9-5 schedule soon makes you not count on his automatic availability on weekends and holidays anyway. In a nutshell, I'm a big girl and spending Christmas apart from my love is just as "survivable" as a birthday in lockdown...and I'm pretty sure my upcoming one will have that privilege again.
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