Monday, April 22, 2019


There have been a few occasions when I did not celebrate Easter with my parents but I can literally count them on the fingers of one hand. For me, it is pretty much unquestionable that I travel "down" to Klagenfurt for the long weekend, eat more ham and boiled eggs than during the rest of the year and pretty much enjoy a rather predictable time. Which I like. I always think of myself as "the urban type", but I do sometimes get nostalgic for the slow-paced small-town life and living in a house with beautiful garden. When I'm in Vienna, I hardly ever miss it but when at my parents' (where I am being spoilt rotten) for the Christmas or Easter holidays I just love being lazy, having someone else cook for me and finally getting to read all those books I for some reason never find time to read in Vienna. Also, there are some friends from school, who like me also work in Vienna, but whom I almost exclusively get to see when in Klagenfurt. Laying on the living room sofa or in the hammock in the garden is just as much of a tradition as is the traditional food and other rituals. I would not want to miss it for the world, really.


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