Thursday, February 20, 2014

In the Dark

I've been in Hamburg since Monday with a tightly packed agenda. My manager, who is an amazing host and always eager to entertain his team, made sure the evenings didn't get boring either and also organised a "Dialogue in the Dark" session for the 5 of us. Even though I had heard of this activity when it was popular in Vienna a few years ago, I had never given it too much thought. It really is some experience to walk around in the PITCH DARK when all you have to guide you is sound, smell and your hands and feet. I was always concerned I'd end up groping somebody in their private parts or something, but thankfully that didn't happen and we are still talking to one another. 
Despite said tight agenda, I still managed to squeeze in a bit of retail therapy. More on that coming up. 
Speaking of darkness, I love how well the Speicherstadt  (warehouse district) came out in the night shot above!


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