Wednesday, January 08, 2014

People. Plans.

So on Friday night I realised I had a long weekend ahead with no.plans.whatsoever and felt like a boring old fart. No, make that smelly old loser. Most people still were away on their Christmas vacation and the "usual suspects", i.e. few remaining single and childless creatures were either sick or had other plans. On the one hand, it was good as I was looking forward to a chilled weekend in Vienna and getting some things I had planned to do at home done. On the other, it felt a bit "wrong" not to have anything liked up.  In the end, however, I ended up with some kind of spontaneous programme every single day.
On Saturday morning I woke up to see a Latvian colleague had contacted me on Google+ and asked if I was in town as he and his girlfriend who had spent NYE in Bratislava were in Vienna on a day-trip. I was indeed in town and spent a lovely afternoon with them, showing them around and taking them to have the best Wiener Schnitzel. On Sunday, I spontaneously met Mr. TD at Café Schwarzenberg and invited him for lunch on Monday. When Mademoiselle texted on Monday morning to ask what I was up to, I invited her along and the three of us then went for a walk in spring weather in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace (see picture above). I had just taken off my coat and was halfway in the toilet when Snow White called to ask if I wanted to accompany her to the theatre as her subscription-buddy couldn't make it. So no lazy evening at home - I had plenty of those in the past days after all - but 2 hours of culture and drinks with my friend. Overall a very nice and quite eventful weekend for not having any plans!


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