Friday, November 22, 2013

Art Shopping

Hello, my beautiful readers. I returned from Sofia last night with a damaged suitcase (as in: broken, which I only discovered at home, but this is another story). It was with some apprehension that I noticed this as this very side of the suitcase contained the not-exactly-cheap painting I had purchased the night before and put in the suitcase in a thin layer of bubble-wrap, in between jumpers and vests. This is my new acquisition that will grace my bedroom wall soon:
It is one of 4 paintings that I always admired at Sense Hotel, which houses part of the Gallery of Modern Arts works. These 4 paintings were right in front of the elevator on ground floor and I passed them several times a day. When I discovered they had a (rather hefty) price-tag, the seed for acquisition was planted. I actually reached out to the artist himself to ask if he had a studio and was selling directly, but unfortunately he is based in Varna at the black sea, which is too far for a day-trip. Eventually, I walked to the Gallery and happened to talk to the friendly young lady in charge who was quite surprised when I whipped out my credit card after 5 minutes, not without having haggled a bit. I'm happy to report that used to be really bad at negotiating, but have gotten considerably better at it. I was equipped with certificates of ownership and of authenticity as well as a declaration for customs:
I was happy it snugly fit into my suitcase as I didn't want to walk through customs with the painting under my arm even if it was fully legal and official:

I am very happy with this most recent addition to my humble art collection and it is the icing on the cake of my new and improved bedroom.


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