Friday, May 04, 2012

Triple-Benefit DIY Peeling

My experimental mood does not stop at cakes (see previous posts). I also "developed" a simple peeling that you might be interested in trying out as well. All you need is non-sensitive skin (although I have no idea if this might even cause irritations, but just in case), ground coffee and a cafetiere/plunger type coffee-maker as the one above. Needless to say, it only makes sense if this is your preferred method of coffee preparation anyway and you don't waste the coffee just for the peeling.

In my case, I had washed out my little one-mug Bodum gadget every morning for years, pouring away the coffee grounds into the sink when I suddenly had a lightbulb moment [imagine me with huge lightbulb on top of my head here]: bikini season is already here and as I officially have the World's Worst Cellulite I can use all it takes to counteract it. Most anti-cellulite creams contain caffeine as its main active ingredients and it's always a good idea to get a peeling before grilling yourself (sensibly, of course). Do you see where this is leading?

Well, all I do is collect the grounds for several days and then, typically on Saturday use them as a peeling all over my body in the shower. Yes, it creates a bit of a mess, but it drains easily and has the added benefit of actually declogging your pipes as the coffee bonds/absorbs the soap residue. This explains why unlike my bathtub (where my shower is as well) and bathroom washbasin my kitchen sink is the only one where water always drains smoothly and I've never had to resort to chemicals. Admitted, I don't tend to wash my hair in the kitchen, either...

In order to get rid of leftover coffee in its liquid form I use a little sieve as well and then store the collected grounds in the fridge in a plastic container until I use them.

  • peeling with anti-cellulite benefits at no extra cost and with a pleasant smell if you like coffee
  • a good recycling idea
  • positive impact on drainage
You could of course also use grounds from filters or ripped apart espresso tabs and also combine the grounds with shower gel or body lotion. I just use them plain, then rinse them off and apply moisturiser as usual.


Anonymous BoB said...

Darling, you no more have cellulite than I have a bikini figure, maybe you should think of changing glasses/contacts? Bussi

5/08/2012 04:15:00 PM  

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