Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quality Journalism

I could go on about my cool birthday presents (thanks for the b-wishes in the comments box, by the way!) for weeks...and actually still might do that, but I also wanted to share something with you which I found hilariously funny. Yesterday, I visited my great-uncle in hospital (he's the husband of the great-aunt who recently died and not in great health, either) and as usual brought him some of the magazines he likes, the kind you always find at hairdressers and in doctors' waiting rooms and feel almost embarrassed paying for at your supermarket. I was idly leafing through one of them, when I noticed something strange. Something very strange indeed. In a two-page article on German tv presenter Florian Silbereisen only the photos and title of the article were "real" whereas the actual text including the captions and subtitles were placeholder dummy text of the "lorem ipsum" variety and basically variations of the sentence "I am a dummy text" in German. 2 pages of it!

More noticebale in the close-up:
Some editor is so going to lose his job...


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