Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ghost Town

Yesterday was a holiday in Austria, i.e. most people seized the opportunity to make it one looong weekend, taking Monday off as well.

Not so inmates @ Coma HQ who had to "work" yesterday. Oh, the joy of sitting in the office from 9-5:30 with no phone-calls, no mail, no newspapers, nor guests since no one assumes the place to be open. Not.

On your way to work in the morning, the baker's closed, at lunch-time, there's only Mac Donald's and the odd Würstelstand to keep you from starving. Afte work, the subway is pitifully empty.

Teinfaltstraße, which I pass through every morning and which on ordinary work-days is lined with parked cars on both sides, was completely deserted yesterday:
ghostly Teinfaltstraße (onemorehandbag)Spooky!

I had the foresight to bring in the new La Redoute catalogue to keep me company.


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