Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunny Sunday Trivia

After a rather depressing day yesterday (nasty weather, everyone on holiday) which I more or less spent reading (Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close -brilliant!), cleaning, de-cluttering and channel-surfing I decided to seize today's comparatively clement weather conditions and walk to the MQ.

Towards the end of the season, the red sofas look a little worse for wear, don't you agree?

mangy red sofa (onemorehandbag)After I had comfortably sprawled out on one of them, finished my newspaper and got down to reading my current book a guy blocked out the sun and asked what almost sounded like an indecent proposal, "Do you mind if I lie down next to you?" Having muttered my assent (it's a public place, alas) I moved to the far side of the sofa and resumed reading until his obsessive opening and closing the velcro strap of his watch became too much and I decided to make a move before I strangled him (death by velcro, how's that for C.S. I. experts? Hah!) with the very thing.

Fortified with an ice-cream I zig-zagged through the 6th and 7th districts.
wall-art (onemorehandbag)As it was still sunny when I was almost home - at Urban-Loritz-Platz, to be precise - I decided to climb up the gazillion steps of the Main Library Building and look down onto cars and trams whooshing along the Gürtel, Vienna's ring-road which is also notorious for being lined with seedy night clubs and (at night) prostitutes looking for business at red lights.
Urban-Loritz-Platz (onemorehandbag)

Weekend résumé: self-improvement (books!) and fresh-air: check. Social-life: zilch. Speaking of which, the ironing board is calling out to me...


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