Wednesday, June 07, 2006

...I never promised you a rose garden

roses at Volksgarten (onemorehandbag)After a nice (note: with that, I definitely don't mean the weather) long weekend full of shopping (a new pair of black ESPRIT trousers, new/old perfume: Bulgari's Eau Parfumée au thé blanc, which I love as a summery sent), culture, soaking in warm water and eating loads and sight-seeing during a short sunny spell, Coma HQ currently is somewhat less comatose and I have had to neglect this sad excuse for a blog a bit. Tomorrow after work I will be heading to KLU again to house and cat sit for my parents while they are in Paris. I don't know if I will have time to post tomorrow, if not: don't expect to hear from me before next Tuesday.

Right now, it's lashing down rain outside and my ice-cream-parlour date with the Mermaid will have to be followed by a warm beverage. Uncharacteristically, I am not wearing white trousers or shoes with leather soles today as I invariably seem to do when it rains...

At least the roses at Volksgarten are in full bloom and cheer me up a bit on my way to work.

Here's a book recommendation for you: Tourism by Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal. Very irreverent, very sexy, very un-PC. In other words: very much my kind of thing.

Lunch-break purchases: None today as I actually had to sacrifice my lunch-break to work (workshop at a school). Gasp.


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