Wednesday, April 26, 2006

progress report

I've already worn "Monday"and "Tuesday" and am test-driving "Wednesday" today. Perfect fit aside, it's very comforting to know that should you suddenly be afflicted by premature Alzheimer's or amnesia and can't remember what day of the week it is (that's assuming the unfortunate affliction occurs after you have chosen your underwear for the day...), all you need to do is to check your pants. I'm asking you, how in the world was I able to survive B7DotWU (Before 7 Days of the Week Undies)?

Lunch-break purchases: My mission was to get a gift for L'Italiana whom I'm visiting in London this (bank holiday) weekend. After some extensive browsing I found a funky metallic-look bag decorated with tiny tulle flowers and *mumbles, ever so slightly guilty* one for myself while I was at it. Ahem.


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