Rainbows & Unicorns (For Now)
As I mentioned last week I recently had coronavirus. In itself this is not something I actively wanted for myself nor Highflyer what with the chances that some long-term effects might take us by surprise after all, but it does have its advantages for a few blissful weeks, until a new variant of concern takes center stage and gives everyone the "chance" to become (re)infected. For the time being, though, we are enjoying our "recovered" status superpowers and it's incredibly liberating not to have to be as paranoid and cautious as I was in the past 2 years. I still wear an FFP2-mask in more than just the recommended locations, I still wash and disinfect my hands, but more out of habit, than out of necessity like back in pre-pandemic times when I already carried cute Bath & Body Works hand sanitizers in every handbag. Last week I facilitated a workshop at an outdoor week of my company's apprentices and the fact that most of the other groups of youngsters there did not wear masks anywhere, not even at the restaurant buffet, would have made me freak out, in particular before visiting my parents immediately afterwards. Now I have this "whatever" attitude and am thoroughly enjoying this short "back to the old normal" privilege....
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