Monday, April 04, 2016

Week 13: Budding | New Beginnings

My good resolutions from 2 weeks ago did not get implemented in the end because the person in question was quite seriously sick and my squishy soft heart melted with worry and empathy. However, I have had ample time to draft what might be the Ultimate-Farewell-Text-Message (henceforth referred to as UFTM), ready to be fired off whenever the situation presents itself, unless I find the moment and courage to deliver it in person. So much for the theory.
Today is also the first day in my new role at the Firm and while I am looking forward to joining a new team (flying to Dublin later today to meet some of them, including my manager), it is always a strange feeling to be the new kid on the block and manage to strike the right balance between being the quiet observer/absorber in the back and yet be visible and involved enough to leave a mark from the very beginning. 


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