Thursday, May 17, 2012

Daily Poetry

I've told you that I am subscribed to literally dozens of newsletters. The only way to de-swamp my Inbox is to devise a clever filter-system. The drawback of this is that I have a) taken to regard any type of newsletter as spam and thus fail to read Frida's newsletters with due attention, thereby missing dates and announcements a good friend should acknowledge and b) that I also often miss bargains or competitions that are actually worth taking advantage of.

In idle moments, I like to click on my "shopping" label and have a chuckle at Groupon's subject lines and the content of their newsletter. Here are 3 recent ones that I find thematically grouped to an uncanny degree. Take this one, offering a colonic irrigation treatment, cupcakes and a fatblocker...
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Or this newsletter with a "wooden" theme, offering reductions of patio furnitore made of eucalyptus wood and - get this - handcrafted vibrators made of Odenwald spruce. Hard to decide which is more tempting.
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I also like the recurring offer to buy a doctorate. Alternatively, you could choose to invest in a lash-growth serum to work your way up the career-ladder by blinking seductively.
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