Thursday, June 02, 2011

These Days...

...performers are faced with half of the audience brandishing their smartphones or PAS cameras in a futile attempt to catch a half-decent photo. I deliberately left my camera at home and only came armed with my mobile phone. Yep, the man in the white light is Yusuf, giving an encore. 
I was supposed to go with S1 and her husband, whom she treated to the concert as birthday present, but she unfortunately got sick on the day and so he took their 9 (if I remember correctly)-year-old daughter instead. Until recess she didn't seem too impressed, but fortified with gummy candy and intrigued by the rays of light she enjoyed the encores close to the stage on her father's (face blurred out on the picture below) shoulders. 
How cool that she'll be able to tell her kids she had seen Cat Stevens/Yusuf's most likely last Austrian concert at that young age! Well, that's assuming they'll be impressed at all, but I'm sure the beauty of that voice will be appreciated in generations to come as well.


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