Monday, April 17, 2023

Darkness and Light

These days, I often stop to think: "Have I ever been so content and happy? Could I be any happier" I really am very, very happy with my life and feel very privileged to be able to say that. Obviously, my partner in crime that complements me so well, plays a big role int that. I have always been somebody who lives in the NOW, but the now has not always been as enjoyable. Not that long ago, true happiness and contentment felt like a distant and elusive state that I definitely wasn't experiencing first hand to the degree I wanted to. I always knew I would (again) one day, but there were some dark and unhappy times for sure. As cheesy and self-help-booky as it sounds: in retrospect, these were the months and years that really made me grow as a person and enabled me to be my happy self. Recently, I have found out about several people among friends and relatives who are unfortunately experiencing dark days and seeking professional help for mental health issues. Whenever I hear about such episodes I almost feel a stab of guilt for being among the lucky (few?) who have come out of those truly crazy past 2,3 years seemingly unscathed, and who are not (yet anyway) experiencing a crisis about their old age. I know only too well that this might well be self-delusion and a very fragile balance that could tip to the "bad" side any moment, what with ageing parents who live far away from me among other potential "landmines". Right now, I do feel very resilient and able to navigate difficult times and I really try to be compassionate to those who are having a shitty time, provided they want company.


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