Tuesday, September 04, 2012


So I'm in Sofia right now. This time, I'm staying in a different hotel than on my last business trip. I actually noticed it when I was here the first time with my Mum and, walking past, thought the hotel looked cool. It is called Les Fleurs, which says it all, really. There are flowers everywhere, down to the towels and toilet paper. Unfortunately, they haven't really adhered to the "form follows function" formula. Taking a shower without scalding yourself is a challenge and even if you've mastered switching to "normal" handheld mode as opposed to rainforest mode you're rewarded with a final drenching from above when you've switched the water off. Also, there is no (!) place whatsoever in the very spacious and very stylish bathroom to put your cosmetics bag.
That's what the hotel looks from the outside - pretty floral, right? Try not to be distracted by the Christmas decorations...I guess they reckoned it was no use, really, taking them down as Christmas comes every year...
 The bed...vaguely floral with glass installation. Not in view: artificial flowers in the corner.
 The bathroom (cool tub!) looks more maritime from that angle...
...but if you look into it from the bedroom, you see the flowers on the shower cabin door.This is the evil shower that is rather hard to operate unless you want the raiforest-get-my-hair-wet mode.
 The sink is decidedly floral as is the bathroom door. I wish they had swapped the decor for a moderately sized shelf on which to put toiletries, though.

Speaking of flowers, I bought one pair of these Chanel-inspired plastic shoes with camelias for myself and one for my Mum:
Two years ago I passed on an almost idential twin of the black/white pair in Nice as it was about €40 or something and I wasn't willing to pay that much for a plastic summer shoe. I've been haunted by that missed shoportunity ever since and as these beauties were only €6 it didn't take me long to fork out my Leva (24 of them for two pairs). On my last visit to Sofia I actually bought a similar pair (pink with bright blue bow) and knew how unbelievably comfortable they are. The only drawback is the horrible plasticky-verging-on-toxic smell...
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