Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fashion Statement or Desperation?

On Saturday, I walked behind this pair on Rotenturmstraße. Now black tights in flip-flops is not something you see everyday and had me wonder whether this was a budding fashion trend I had yet to discover or whether the lady had just got rid of shoes that had been causing her pain and popped into the next shoe store to grab the cheapest pair of comfortable shoes she could find. The fact that the guy carries a camera let me to the assumption that they were tourists so I have sympathy for "feet of flames" after a day of sightseeing.

It was an interesting sight in any case and I wondered why she didn't just take off the tights as well (it was really warm that day) if it really was a case of painful feet. Then again, you never know if she had got rid of her winter fur in time...

Sometimes I like to think I would make quite a decent detective...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

she probably did not care much for her Tights ..as those flip flops soon ruin them [cause your big toe to rip through the tights] MARY

3/01/2014 02:48:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

l think it is very sexy tights and sandals flip flops

6/28/2020 06:30:00 AM  

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