Friday, February 11, 2011

Rewind to My More Creative Past

I've wanted to sort through my huge pile of  musik tapes for years and finally got around to it. I'm only keeping shop-bought ones that I got as a gift and tapes recorded for me by friends, High-Fidelity-style that I'd feel cruel chucking out. This pile below, however, was all recorded by me and I'll put an ad on the same classifieds portal where I gave away my VHS cassettes for free. I had forgotten just how into sleeve-decorating I was back in the 1980s and 1990s. The would be the perfect prop for a film set of a teenager's bedroom in the late 20th century:

Most covers are collages out of magazines, but some are actual drawings. A bit like a memorial to my younger, much more creative self. I felt guilty and wistful at the same time.


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