Monday, May 24, 2010

Spring on My Plate

The weather was so annoying yesterday: sunny skies one minute and the next it was completely dark as if someone had switched off the light. Just as I was about to apply sunscreen and go out, it started to rain. To cheer myself up, I decided to cook a decent Sunday lunch with seasonal ingredients:
spring lunch (onemorehandbag)
spring dessert (onemorehandbag)A little side-note: last Monday I had lunch at über-stylish Orlando di Castello, where I'd had some negative culinary experiences before. I didn't want to order the only thing that I knew to be adequately filling, the club sandwich, so because they had asparagus with grana and prosciutto on the menu and I love asparagus, I went for that. Biiiiig mistake. Actually, the dish should have been written with parantheses. Then I wouldn't have minded paying a whopping € 11,50 for two (2!) pieces of cold asparagus with 2 slices of prosciutto and some sticky parmesan flakes. Rip-off of the century if ever there was one!


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