Sunday, November 08, 2009

Withdrawal Symptoms

In Japan, I devoloped a serious addiction for matcha lattes, and indeed everything with matcha flavour, which Chiquita and I made a point of trying. In the interest of science, of course.
The matcha delights ranged from donuts...
matcha donut (onemorehandbag) to matcha ice-cream. Note the beatific smile on my face:
matcha ice cream (onemorehandbag)I also bought matcha powder to recreate some of the wonders at home (I'm thinking christmas cookies...), but the thing I've been having the worst cravings for is a good matcha latte. For the record, the best ones I had in Japan were the ones from Starbucks, a chain that I'm not overly enthusiastic about elsewhere, but in Japan they served amazing beverages and pastries. Yum!
Back in Vienna, I remembered Cha No Ma, the green tea shop in Faulmanngasse near Naschmarkt, which I already tried last year with the Pampered Princess and been somewhat underwhelmed by the ex-ter-eeeem-ely slow service. Well, my withdrawal symptoms where so bad I wanted to give it another chance. Plus I'd read they also serve onigiri, my other recent addiction. Chiquita, who's just as addicted as I am, had other plans and so I ventured there on my own:
Cha No Ma Vienna (onemorehandbag) The verdict: really delicious matcha latte (with soymilk by default) and very good onigiri, although my favourite, the pickled plum variety, was only available with wasabi seasoning. I love wasabi, but I prefer the plum flavour on its own.

Afterwards, I went to Nippon Ya, the Japanese supermarket to buy some crunchy seeweed and pickled plums to recreate onigiri at home. One day. Chiquita and I daydreamed about opening an onigiri shop in Vienna and when we found onigiri moulds (utterly superfluous as hands actually suffice, but you know...) in a lovely shop called Afternoon Tea, we had to buy one each. Maybe the foundation of a big Austrian onigiri empire, who knows...
onigiri kit (onemorehandbag)


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