Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Braving the Elements

On Saturday, Mum and I went skiing on Gerlitzen. Geez, I thought when we stepped out of the cable car, I'm wearing far too many layers and will be sweating like a pig all day. Courtesy of several "snow cannons"(see top picture below) , there was plenty of snow and the sun was shining. Nice.
Gerlitzen (onemorehandbag) After we had stopped for a snack, I was glad I was wearing all those layers after all. A veritable snowstorm had gathered and adverse winds meant we felt glued to the spot and the valley station of the ski lift beckoned like an unachievable goal.
snowstorm (onemorehandbag) Still. What with this eternal spring we've been having lately I feel privileged to have been skiing twice this winter at all.


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