Things that Made Me Happy Last Week: Week 12
1. Picking a film without knowing ANYTHING about its content (I love French films in general so I expected to like it) and loving it so much. It was the equivalent of a warm hug and the protagonist's voice (see video) is simply angelic. Again, I had never heard of her and had no clue she was semifinalist of the Voice in France.
2. Getting my visa for Kazakhstan at the last possible day before my upcoming trip. Phew! Now let's hope I am up in the air when this post goes live and not grounded due to Lufthansa pilots on strike...
3. Enjoying a weekend after my taste. Apart from the lovely film mentioned above, I got a lot of things done that I had been meaning to tick off my imaginary to-do-list, such as getting booster shots (5 in total, ranging from TBE to measles) and doing my tax return, and met a handful of my favourite people.
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