Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rainbows and...Capricorns

So I had visions of myself going swimming every day (see previous post). Right. The weather had other plans and I only managed to swim in the lake 4 times. I guess that's better than nothing and I should be grateful for seeing rainbows. There were no unicorns, though (neither capricorns. My boss recently butchered the proverb by saying "it's not all rainbows and capricorns"). Of course I am lucky that it was not a vacation involving expensive travel and/or accommodation and thus my mood did not match an angry emoticon, but rather this one :-/ Let's call it semi-happy. Weather aside, I once more realised that a change in scenery does not necessarily mean a cleaning of the slate of things that go on in your strange little mind (cue: obsessively checking certain apps on my phone). On the bright side, I managed to read my backlog of magazines, catch up with friends, make several bracelets, order a new sofa-bed for my guest bedroom in Vienna, visit Ljubljana on the new bus that runs between KLU and LJU 4 times a day, etc., etc.


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