Sunday, February 12, 2012

Variation of a Theme

I've had a really lovely weekend and as usual on Sunday evening wish it would last longer. In fact, I'd love nothing more but being able to find a well-paid job that allows me to reverse the work-days/weekend ration, i.e. work only 2 days and get 5 days off...wishful thinking!

I got some housewifey things ticked off my list, took Flocki for a little spin around the block (the fierce cold hasn't affected him and he started right away) met up with friends, did some exercise in crisp winter air and did what I often do when I want a "productivity kick": baked several trays of cookies. They are a variation of the DCCO cookies I baked some weekends ago and as those were quite a hit with the office peeps, I finetuned the recipe, adding chunks of white, milk and dark chocolate as well as chunks of dried mango for a bit of colour pop. I also substituted half of the oats for the more finely ground type of oatmeal (Hafermark in German, which resulted in an overall "smoother" appearance and added about 1/3 of a teaspon of cardamom in addition to the cinnamon to spice things up, literally:
Let's see what the office jury thinks of them tomorrow.


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