Tuesday, February 21, 2012


This morning, Vienna was kissed awake by sunlight and all I could think was: wouldn't it be great to be on the slopes of some mountain rather than in a stuffy office, but anyway...
It's what we call Faschingsdienstag today. The day you might know as Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday. In Austria, it's almost legally binding (small exaggeration) to eat at least one Faschingskrapfen (donut filled with apricot jam) today and so reception provided us with a big plate of which I have already snatched one. The last time I dressed up was for the office Christmas party in Sydney (Australians are BIG into fancy dress and take any excuse to go costume-shopping I found out) and so my only concession to carneval is a new nail polish that is actually a lot pinker in real life than it appears on the photo. I bought it in my lunch break yesterday. The shade is called My address is "Hollywood", which seems apt.
It applies really well and is one of those "one-coat-wonders", even though I applied two.


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