Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Commercial Holiday all of you cynics who don't believe in Valentine's Day and/or (like me) don't stand any chance of being showered with romantic gifts by secret or not-so-secret admirers.

Random fact: on this very day 4 years ago I was interviewed for my current job by my present boss. Why do I remember the day? Well, I was given a pink rose (with an exam fee voucher tied to its stem, but nonetheless) on occasion of Valentine's Day.

Update: Perseverance (you might be tempted to call it relentlessness) obviously pays off. After MC and I hinted at our boss several times that we had high expectations for V-day, he got a small bouquet of flowers for MC, the Gazelle and myself. MC also got me chocolates so I can't really complain, now can I :-) 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember this moment. Your face showed some kind of astonishment.

Happy Valentine´s Day !! Greats from Paris.

2/14/2011 10:04:00 AM  

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