Monday, November 30, 2009


As I've mentioned before, Chiquita/Bella and I got completely hooked on matcha lattes in Japan and had to have one every day. For me, it is the perfect "comfort drink". Like comfort food, it has a distinct sweetness and although I never put sugar in any other type of tea and find coffeeshop-bought chai lattes too sweet, matcha lattes call for a bit of a sugar kick. I sweetened the one I conjured up yesterday with maple sirup and it tasted as good as it looked:
matcha latte (onemorehandbag) Should you be interested in making your own, this is all you need:

milk (or soy milk)
matcha powder
maple sirup (or sugar/honey/sweetener of your choice)


Heat a mug of milk. Put half of it into a heat-proof glass and add a teaspoon of matcha powder. Whisk with a milk frother or tiny beater. Sweeten. Froth the rest of the milk and add on top. If you want to impress guests sprinkle some matcha powder on top of the milk froth.


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