Friday, September 25, 2009

Unlucky Streak, Continued

My roller blinds, or rather, shutters are being installed at this very moment, so that's progress. However, as I wanted to synch my little-used iPod yesterday after...months, I realised it didn't work anymore and refused to be reset or give in to any other tricks recommended in online forums. I'm actually not a listening-to-music-everywhere-person at all, I bascially only use it when on vacation to drown out noise or to kill time when I've run out of printed matter. I did want to take it to Japan with me, though (assuming Chiquita will take hers) and am now trying to make my mind up whether I really want to buy a (new) one again. I could use my G1 phone, but the battery is much worse than an iPod's. Decisions! Expenditures!


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