Monday, April 20, 2009

Hunting Grounds of Yore

Very early on Saturday morning, I took Flocki to the ÖAMTC right in my old neighbourhood (it was the wheel-bearings, by the way). The lady at reception told me to come back in an hour so I seized the time to walk to nearby Meiselmarkt to buy ingredients for the book club dinner chez moi last night. I got quite nostalgic, as I passed my old flat, even though it was extremely small, quite dark and decorated with my great-aunt's bulky old furniture plus I spent the greater part of the 3 1/2 years I lived there walking on tiptoes so as not to annoy the downstairs neighbour who pretty much objected to me walking in the flat. The first time I made her acquaintance she rang my doorbell only to give me the once-over and say "Well, YOU may not be heavy, but your STEP certainly is very heavy". Hmmm.
my old flat (onemorehandbag)

The bag-shop (!) round the corner from where I lived has since become one of those ubiquitous mobile phone repair/internet café/call shop joints:

it used to be a bag-shop (onemorehandbag) Meiselmarkt shopping mal and indoor market were still there, though:

Meiselmarkt (onemorehandbag) There's also a small open-air market, where farmers sell their produce:

Meiselmarkt II (onemorehandbag) I had almost forgotten how great the variety is and how low the prices. Among other things, I bought white asparagus from the Marchfeld region, the most famous asparagus in Austria. I vowed to do my grocery shopping in my onld neighbourhood more often.


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