Sunday, July 13, 2008


MC and RT go swimming (onemorehandbag) The weather forecast promised thunderstorms for the weekend so I decided to seize the day and head for the swimming pool as early as possible yesterday. That was the plan, anyway. Thanks to various chores, social obligations and obstructions on the tram-route it wasn't until 3 or so that MC (wearing mirrored sunglasses) and I (the white monster mirrored in them) arrived at Döblinger Bad, by which time the the first rain-drops had made themselves noticeable. Due to the fact that there is an indoor pool on the premises as well, we decided to stay and were rewarded by perfectly sunny weather until we left at half 7 when the pool (see above) was already deserted. The thunderstorms were courteous enough to wait until we got home.
As we were sunbathing, another colleague called. "Am I disturbing you?" she asked. "Nah", I replied, "I'm at the pool with MC". "Speaking of which, " she said, "how come she got mentioned on your blog and I haven't?!" After a bit of brainstorming with MC, we decided only one name was worthy of her whose first name has royal implications: the Empress!


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