Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Mrs. P., chief gossip-monger of my house, stopped me on my way out this morning. I hadn't seen her for months. She extended her hand, smiling at me. "A happy New Year to you." Me: "Same to you, Mrs. P. How are you?" Mrs. P.: "Don't you want to get married?" Me: "Erm". Mrs.P: "Don't you want to get married?" Remembering that she was on rather friendly terms with TD as well, I reminded her "We're not together any more." "I know, I know, he moved out last year" she interrupted me impatiently, "but don't you want to get married?" Me: "Well, I'm sort of lacking a candidate, you see." Visibly not convinced she said "I was just wondering" and said her goodbyes.


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