Wednesday, February 28, 2007

we must be getting old

13th tale (onemorehandbag) Whether it was due to S2's return or K's super-rich dessert - on Sunday, the book club actually talked about the book of the month for a good 30 minutes. If not longer. Well, hardly surprising for a book club, you might say. Very surprising for a bunch of women who in recent meetings "covered" the book in question in brief conversations like "Well, I liked it." "Mine still hasn't arrived from Amazon." "I've only got as far as page 20." "Your edition looks much cooler than mine."

First, we couldn't really engage in an in-depth-discussion (ahem) as S1 hadn't finished it and didn't want any spoilers. As soon as she'd left, S2 began raving about the book, waving her hardcover copy with sticky notes marking her favourite passages. The rest of the members present (Amica, K. and yours truly) maintained that they found the novel a tad too trivial and predictable for their liking and almost lynched S2 (never mind threatening to tell her colleagues at the English Department) when she said she didn't find it any more trivial than Wuthering Heights. Gasp!
In a nutshell, I said I wouldn't actually recommend the book to anyone. So I won't.


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