Monday, August 08, 2022

Peer Pressure

I arrived in Carinthia the day before the new legislation came into effect, i.e. people without symptoms who test positive for Covid-19 now no longer need to quarantine, but can roam around freely provided they wear an FFP2 mask. Since absolutely NOBODY wears masks ANYWHERE here, I have thrown out all my good intentions and habits from Vienna (i.e. to wear masks in all shops still, even if I do not have to do so) as I am concerned people might think the reason I am wearing a mask is because I am actually infected and have decided to go shopping instead of isolating at home as would be the better choice, obviously. Peer Pressure at its best and obviously not the best strategy by our Government to appeal to people's "common sense". I actually don't know "people" and should be able to care less, but it still feels awkward to be the odd one out. Anyone else, or is it just me?


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