Monday, July 19, 2021

Carping that diem...

Last year, even though many people experienced many individual crises, it was all overshadowed by The Pandemic and it often felt a bit "off" to complain about anything else. This year, the old 'Rona Show" is still on and that Groundhog Day Feeling (lockdown, slight optimism over declining numbers of infected people, lockdown: repeat) unfortunately has not quite become a thing of the past.
In the meantime, though, it seems accepted to be concerned about things that may also be entirely unrelated to Covid and I know several stories of serious health concerns (physical or psychological) and fallouts with close friends or family members. It's okay to not be okay and yet another reminder that you should not wait and keep things for tomorrow, be it that holiday or activity you have both time and resources to undertake right away, or that potentially unpleasant conversation with somebody dear to you. Go for it!



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