Monday, December 21, 2009


If you live in Vienna and see someone wearing this cap, MY cap, feel free to snatch it off their face and check if it the label with care instructions is in Japanese. Once you have made sure this is indeed the case feel free to inflict all kinds of torture to the wearer. I lost the cap last Thursday in a department store where it must have fallen either outside my bag or my coat pocket. I realised I had lost it before leaving the store (it was already very cold) and retraced my steps. Somebody must have liked it and snatched. Grrr. Like the time when my flip flops were stolen from the swimming pool, I wonder who would do this as opposed to handing it to the cashier or lost&found counter.
cap gone AWOL (onemorehandbag)Not only do I tend to get very attached to things, I especially treasure things bought abroad, such as this souvenir from Kyoto.


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