I don't know about you, but I just LOVE birthdays. Mine, as well as other people's. Receiving presents and making/buying/wrapping them. Getting cards as well as selecting and writing them. I know people who don't even care about their own birthdays, but make a fuss about Christmas. In my book, Christmas is what everybody (who celebrates that holiday) celebrates on the same day, whereas birthdays are special and all about making ONE person feel special and happy on that day.
It's probably a sign of age that I no longer have unrealistic expecations either and have taught my inner drama queen to chill that I enjoy my birthdays even more than I used to do and don't expect them to follow a script known only to myself. Basically, I'm a -very happy- kid on my birthday.
This year, I was particularly happy, in part because I got some e-mails that made me smile all day, but I also got some unexpected gifts this year, such as flowers from people I least expected them from, see pictures 1 and 2:
I also got a lovely bunch from the Mermaid, who can be relied on to shower me with pressies and flowers on my birthday:
I not only got bouquets, I also got actual presents, here's a best-of so far (haven't met with everybody who has goodies for me yet):
MC surprised me with a gorgeous travel brush set from Bobbi Brown, the type that I would always be too stingy to splurge on for myself. Perfect for this frequent traveller!
On my birthday, I went for dinner with Mademoiselle and the Mermaid, and even if both had a long day and it was raining heavily outside, they not only kept me company, but also came laden down with gifts. From Mademoiselle, I got a beautiful round glass plate and two bowls from Iittala, which you know (and she knows, obviously) I like a lot:
The Mermaid had actually asked me what I wanted and I had given her the motto "beauty and relaxation", expecting a massage or pedi voucher. I got a deluxe set each for face and hair, the latter in convenient travel sizes. What I was probably most excited about and what unfortunately caught the flash in the picture below was the heated eyelash curler, which for some inexplicable reason I missed when it was out at Tchibo. Well, just as well I missed it or I would already have had it. It works like a treat once you overcome your apprehension that you are putting heat near your eyes and is much more efficient for my pigs bristles of eyelashes than the conventional eyelash curlers.
As I am writing this post, I am at my parents' and I unpacked my gifts this morning. I had chosen most of my presents myself, which did not diminish my joy, however. Starting with some jewellery. My Mum had discovered a shop by a
Carinthian designer in town and took me there to choose something. I went for two rings that not only are pretty...
...but also glow in the dark! As you can see in the picture below when I stuck my hand in a wardrobe, the green glows much more:
I did get one surprise gift: a skirt, top and necklace made by my Mum to match a jumper I had chosen and left here. The photo doesn't do it justice as you can hardly see the skirt and necklace, so you'll have to trust me. I actually insulted her with my first reaction being "Well...very loud!" but I've tried it and the combination looks very cool:
I had selected the jumpers in the sale (mustard-coloured one is from Sisley, the pink one from a shop in Tarvisio, IT) after Christmas and not taken them to Vienna with me. Underneath the right one, you can catch a glimpse of the beautiful DIY wrapping paper my Mum made:
Dad who had already given me a satnav for my car (that successfully led me to the hotel in Bled and back) took my subtle (or not) hint and ordered from my Amazon wishlist again. I have already finished the book on top and a graphic novel I got. I love autobiographic stories by expats of the type "One year in..." and this account of a German who has made Seoul her home is the perfect teaser for my upcoming trip there:
Well, the BIG present from my parents this year, value-wise was paying for half of my carpet. Excuse the photo which was taken with my phone. Again, my Mum had discovered it on a recent visit to Vienna and after protesting that "traditional" carpets were not my style and wouldn't fit into my flat, I took it home to try how it looked and let it stay there...
All in all, it's been a very happy birthday week!
P.S.: I'm going to be in Dublin next week with dinner dates lined up every night so don't expect to read from my for a few days. In case of acute withdrawal symptoms I suggest taking a look at the Instagram widget in the sidebar (top right), or following me there directly (username: wastingmytalent).