Monday, December 11, 2023

Here for F as in Fun

 Last week I tried to cheer up a visibly stressed colleague sitting next to me in our office "homebase". "How come you're always in such a good mood?" she asked me. I replied, deadpan "that's what I was  hired for, it was the main criteria in my job description". "Seriously?!?" she replied, really falling for it. While this was a joke, obviously,  it was not the first time that someone had remarked that I came across as unusually friendly/happy/helpful and therefore stuck out from the general workforce. Well, it's sort of my credo: I want to have fun at work and therefore approach things with a positive mindset, giving people the benefit of the doubt and not going into full-on drama mode immediately when something stressful or annoying happens. Even when I'm in a not-so-great mood myself I NEVER let it out on others as I can't stand moody people. It's actually rather worrying that this apparently is the exception rather than the norm, but be that as it may, it makes me happy when someone points it out and tells me that days in the office are way better when I am around and cheer them up. Happy to oblige, any day!


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