Last week I went to see the film "Yesterday". The original plan had been to watch it with the Mermaid, but she unfortunately fell ill on the day and I was itching to go out anyway so went ahead without her. Impatient old me. I promised the Mermaid to see the film with her once more, though. She was the obvious choice for company as even though we grew up when the Beatles had long gone their separate ways, their songs were the soundtrack of both our (pre)teens. I have written about the day I became a Beatles fan here before.
While everyone was into 80s bands that have since fallen into oblivion, such as Shakin' Stevens, the Mermaid and I were into the Beatles big time. I owned two volumes of "songbooks" aka books containing the lyrics to all their songs and with the seriousness of a pubescent teenager determined that one of their songs would be played at my funeral. The fact that the Mermaid also favoured Eleonor Rigby as her funeral theme song didn't go down to well, until we decided to see it as just another sign that we were destined to be friends.
These days none of my playlists contain Beatles songs and the Mermaid and I have drifted apart as well since she moved away from my neighbourhood and even more so since she became a mother. I still love both the band and my childhood friend, needless to say. To me, this video with its staggering more than 44 mio views and counting is one of the best videos to be found on YouTube and I am in happy tears every time I watch it.