Push and Pull
Last Friday was Valentine's Day and I got these beautiful flowers from Highflyer, together with a mug and card. More than anything I was happy that he remembered the day as I'm usually the one to remind him of any important dates, appointments and things to get done. It's not at all about having lowered the bar, but about being 100% comfortable in a relationship and feeling appreciated without having to nudge, drop hints or nag. Highflyer often points out how I "did everything right" in the early days of our relationship in the sense of not pushing him or wanting too much too soon and every time he says that I think back to my younger self, in particular to that decade post leaving Mr TD when I didn't do myself any favours by wanting too much from men who were not willing or able to give it to me and feeling incredibly disappointed when I didn't get what I expected when I expected it and even got accused of being needy and dependant, which in hindsight I was...both.
When Highflyer compares me to his (last) ex who he felt cornered by and forced to do things he didn't want to commit to, I always feel sympathy for her because I definitely have been in her shoes, half-aware of this "wrong person, wrong time" scenario myself, but half deciding to block it out and soldier on anyway. I'm probably going to come across all self-help book, but it really seems like we push people away by wanting too much too soon from them, only realising when it's the RIGHT person that no pushing needs to be done at all and they are more than willing and eager to pull us to them without any strategy or effort needed on our part. Some people already learn this in their twenties, others only in their late forties, but better late than never, I suppose.