Monday, September 23, 2024

It's All Relative

This past weekend Highflyer and I attended two 50th birthday parties, one being for a uni friend (and her husband) of his, the other for a colleague of mine. It was interesting to observe the guests, many of whom were in the same age group. I am used to hanging out with my friends who I think have mostly aged very well in mind and body, but strangers' age is often hard to guess. Some who seem almost a generation older and Boomer jokes would seem appropriate for some things they say turn out to be not even 50 yet, others are closer to 60 but seem so much more active and clued up to latest trends than some people in their mid-forties. I really find it fascinating and wonder what the most critical factor for this gap is. Is it hanging out with old(er) people that makes you act (and look?) older than your age? Is it your background or the field you work in? I often gravitate towards considerably younger people in social settings, but I have now reached an age where I sometimes wonder if this is actually rather cringe to them. Well, let's see what the vibe at 60s parties (8 years to go for me) will be. One thing is certain: I shall have the coolest playlist and best DJ for my own party. I had referred our wedding DJ to my colleague for Saturday's party and chatted with him there. He (a year younger than Highflyer and me) told us he would probably die at the turntables, so we might end up hiring him for our 70th and 80th, too. Keep on partying!


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