Tuesday, July 03, 2007

the kind of training we like

Last week, our office had a mysterious "training" date looming in our calendar. A training on a wishy-washy topic, allegedly to be held by our boss himself. Hmmmm. Interesting. One colleague who's been with the company longest immediately suspected it was a pretext and was actually going to be a surprise team event. The fact that it was scheduled from 3-9 p.m. supported her theory. In the days running up to the training, however, big boss managed to convince us that it was indeed going to be your usual Powerpoint-Powernap followed by dinner. Hmmm. I duly put on a nice skirt in case he intended to take us to a fancy restaurant. The skirt didn't really do me a service (nor did the tights, see photo) when we were all bundled into a taxi at 3 sharp and taken to the Prater where we spent the afternoon trying out every single attraction, not to mention the group-portrait in sepia and historical costumes I insisted we take. Guess who looks so incredibly horrible in it she regretted making the suggestion, even more so as this portrait, framed, now decorates the office. The afternoon started with a ride in a private cabin of the Giant Wheel, champagne and all and ended with a pork-overdose at Schweizerhaus restaurant. It was great fun and once more convinced me that my superior is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Last Wednesday, he was definitely Dr. Jekyll. Phew!
a day in the Prater (onemorehandbag)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear, it's time to meet. I need more details.

Apart from that: I am lucky, since I am involved in the organization of this year's main meeting where everybody has to attend - and I KNOW the secret.

7/03/2007 08:37:00 PM  

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