Tuesday, May 23, 2006

a signature from Seth, a business card from Schubert

reading and beading (onemorehandbag) The reading last night was brilliant. In fact, it was probably the best one, I've ever been to and I've attended quite a few. Vikram Seth was adorable and funny and had a voice you could listen to for ages. An rather cute Burgtheater actor read from the German translation and he did a great job. I was really sceptical when the lady from the publishing company introduced him as I hate the exaggerated way full of meaningful pauses and deep glances into the audience thespians often employ.

Some random Vikram Seth trivia:

- he speaks fluent German (and Chinese too, apparently)
- he has an Austrian brother-in-law (who was in the audience)
- his family call him Vicky and refer to A Suitable Boy as "the fat one"
I immediately ordered Two Lives from Amazon or rather pre-ordered the paperback as I much prefer them to hardcover editions, not because they are cheaper, but so much more "portable".
After the reading and Q&A, I got him to sign my copy of A Suitable Boy and told him how I'd devoured it in record time at work. He said "I'm sure I couldn't have read it that fast" and then remarked that my outfit matched the cover. Obviously, this was a coincidence, but it was true that the (selfmade) necklace of semi-precious stones I was wearing with my pale pink twinset did have the same turquoise as the cover with its peacock. So on top of his signature, I got a compliment of sorts as well. What more can a fashionista bookworm wish for?

Remember my conversation with Franz Schubert? Well, it turned out that the very same man (not the composer, alas, but his namesake who works in marketing at a national bookstore chain) was at the reading last night. I only found out because the lady from the publisher cracked a joke and remarked that Seth (who is passionate about classical music) was particularly pleased to meet Franz Schubert himself here in Vienna. I walked up to him and told him we'd talked on the phone recently. He profusely thanked me for the info I'd given him back then on gave me his card. It's a small world.

Good old FCN, who was in England over the weekend, brought me back the lates issue of my favourite glossy (aka "crappy mag" as she prefers to call it), UK Marie Claire, complete with the coveted freebies (two chunky wooden bracelets) that never make it to overseas newsagents. Hurrah! On top of that she spoilt me with a shiny new paperback, Diana Evans' 26a, which won the Orange Prize for New Writers. Looks like F(avourite) C(olleague) N is in no danger of losing that F any time soon...

Lunch-break purchases: A cute SWATCH watch for my little cousin who has chosen me to be godmother at her confirmation this Sunday. Apart from the pressies she actually wanted (computer games, tut, tut...kids these days!) I decided to get her a surprise as well.


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